Day 8: Placerville to Davis
73.75 miles -- 6 hours 3 minutes in the saddle

I didn't take any pictures of this ride. It was the same route I took when I started this ride and I didn't see anything that I hadn't already photographed.

I knew this would be a long day in the saddle as I was riding 15 miles further than on my previous ride. The only consolation was that the first 25 miles were downhill.

After eating a good sized breakfast, I left about 9am. There was a bit of up, but it was mostly a nice downhill coast all the way to Folsom, where I again ate a Chinese lunch. I had stopped just outside of Folsom and purchased a large Quizno's sandwich to feed me the rest of the ride.

My enthusiasm was not very high for this ride. My legs were sluggish and my rear end was sore enough that I couldn't get comfortable in the saddle. It was also quite warm, the high 80s.

Since I was making good time, I didn't call my friend Ray for a ride. Instead, when I got to Sacramento, I spent some time resting in Old Sacramento, an interesting area right next to the river with a wooden street and buildings. I had a smoothie, ate the last bit of the Quizno's sandwich and had an ice cream cone.

I crossed over the old metal bridge and was quickly into West Sacramento. There isn't anything to recommend West Sacramento, as it is full of cheap hotels, homeless people, and industrial buildings. The route to Davis spends all its time right next to Highway 80. The terrain is uninteresting, however, I was reenergized from my rest/food stop and covered the 16 miles easily.

At Ray's house, we had pizza for dinner and we sat around talking about colleges, as Ray's oldest son is getting ready to start the process of choosing which ones to apply to.

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Description of Day 9 ride